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Club welfare

Our Club Welfare Officer is Miriam Anderson (Mim). She is here to ensure the safety and well being of all members of the Club and particularly Junior members.

Mim is DBS checked and trained in safeguarding. If you are concerned about any issues relating to welfare you can contact Mim who will deal with your issues in the utmost confidence.

All members working with our junior section are DBS checked and any concerns can be raised with our Club Welfare Officer. Further details are set out in the Volleyball England Child Protection Policy which the Club has adopted. You can access our Code of Conduct for Working with Children and Young People below.

Code of Conduct for Working with Children and Young People (PDF)

Safeguarding Adults Policy (PDF)

Health and Safety and risk assessments

All of our training facilities have first aid equipment and emergency procedures and these are available at every training session and match.  The Club takes the health and safety of its members seriously and always completes a risk assessment on any new training or match venues. Further details can be obtained from any member of the committee on request and you can access the current risk assessment information below.  This should be read in conjunction with the Session Rules.

Note these risk assessments will be updated on a regular basis so do note the date and check back regularly for any updates. Each participant in a session is responsible for familiarising themselves with the session rules and also the risk assessments and complying with these.

Risk assessments September 2023 (PDF)