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Committee Call: make a difference for local volleyball!

The Riga Volleyball Club committee is (always) looking for new faces to join them! As we are approaching a new season as well as our Annual General Meeting on the 16th of July 2024, we’d love to encourage you to volunteer to make volleyball happen in our club and area!

We have some specific roles that need filling:

  • A second person Friday Recreational Coordinator – This comes with a benefit of 50% discount for running the session!
  • Club Development Officer
  • Safeguarding Officer
  • Events Coordinator
  • Coach for our second NVL Women team (more on that in this post)

In addition, we welcome any enquiries about roles currently filled too. Many of us have been in a Committee position for some time (see our faces on the Governance page) and as always, should there be anyone interested in the committee positions, we are all ears! These roles include:

  • Team managers
  • Committee Chair, Secretary, Treasurer

If you think you’d like to volunteer but you’re unsure of the roles available or are just keen to see if your skills can benefit the club, please get in touch anyway – we can always explore options!

For any interest, including to request role descriptions please get in touch with us via the form at the bottom of the website or email us on