How we run our club
The Club is a member of Volleyball England (the governing body for volleyball in England). We follow Volleyball England’s guidance on running our Club. We have a Committee which is elected at the AGM each year. The Committee meets regularly to shape the direction of the Club and address issues facing the Club.
All of the Club’s activities (and those of every member) are governed by the Club’s constitution which is set out in the Club Handbook and Welcome Pack.
There are lots of volunteering opportunities at the Club. These include:
- scoring and line judging at home games;
- writing match reports;
- updating the website and social media profiles;
- keeping match statistics;
- helping with the organising of teams (such as match confirmations, booking venues);
- running the Club tournament;
- keeping the accounts;
- coaching; and
- we’re always on the lookout for volunteers and keen to hear your ideas of how you can use your skills to help!
Get in touch with any member of the committee to get involved!
2024 – 25 Committee
Our club is run entirely by volunteers who make sure everything is running safely, people are looked after and ensure the health of the club remains strong.
- Chairperson: Miriam Anderson
- Safeguarding & Welfare Officer: Miriam Anderson (temporary in role, please get in touch if interested)
- Treasurer: Clare Francis
- General Secretary: Iulia Protesaru
- Junior Development Officer: Brendan Fawcett
- Club Development Officer: This role is vacant (please get in touch if interested)
- Men 1 Team Manager: Tom Young
- Men 3 Team Manager: Chris Jones
- Women Super League Team Manager: Lea Gostinčar
- Women 2 Team Manager: Žofia Garajová
- Recreational Session Managers: Jan Grafton, Lee Grafton, Krishna Reddy (we are looking for another Friday session manager, please get in touch if interested)
- Events Manager: This role is vacant (please get in touch if interested)
Find here our latest annual report: Riga Annual Report 2023/24 (pdf)